Day Centres for senior citizens

Our senior citizens, those whose lifetime dedication and sacrifice give us the caring society we enjoy today, deserve our support in their twilight years. It is this generational harmony that makes such a positive difference in our localities.

Day Centres provide senior citizens with the chance to go out of their homes and to spend the day with persons of all ages as they play, train, and exchange memories. Away from the isolation of big institutions, senior citizens can feel to be an integral part of the society into which they were born and the localities they lived in for so many years, contributing to  village and town activities in such fields as sports, band clubs, the annual festa and fireworks, the church, education, politics and several others.

Many Local Councils already provide the space and the structures for Day Centres, among them the recently inaugurated centres at Marsa and Floriana. Other projects that offer support to senior citizens cover the issue of social inclusivity, such as the “Promoting Inclusivity” project in Senglea thanks to Norwegian and local Council funds.

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